Osteopathic Services

Angela is medically trained as a hands-on Osteopath.

Osteopathy is a form of manual medicine that positively influences health by treating and balancing the structural framework of the body.

After taking a thorough medical history and examination, Angela will explain her diagnosis of your complaint and gain consent before treatment begins.

Treatment often involves a combination of techniques including; joint articulation, manipulation, soft tissue massage, myofascial release, dry needling, cupping, stretching, exercises prescription, taping and ergonomic advice.

What do Osteopaths treat?

Musculoskeletal (MSK) pain

  • Back and Neck pain, Disc injury, Facet (spinal) joint injury, Arthritic changes degeneration, Whiplash injury, Nerve impingement.

  • Muscle tears/strains, tightness, and weakness.

  • Postural strain related to prolonged standing or sitting.

  • TMJ (jaw) dysfunction due to clenching, grinding and stress.

  • Rib joint injury (back ribs) & Costochondritis (front ribs).


  • Tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis)

  • Golfer’s elbow (medical epicondylitis)

  • Runner’s knee (ITB syndrome)

  • Shoulder rotator cuff injury

  • Shoulder and Hip (greater trochanter) Bursitis

  • Glute tendon

  • Achilles tendon

  • Plantar fasciitis


  • Sports injuries
    Ankle ligament (inversion) sprains/ tears, Acute muscle tears, Knee, Hip/ Groin, Shoulder, elbow, and wrist injuries.

  • Peripheral joint pre- and post-surgery programs

Pregnancy and post-natal

  • Pelvic instability (PSD pubic symphysis), Pelvic pain (SIJ), Rib pain, Postural pain associated with pregnancy, post-partum check-ups.

Headaches & Migraines

  • Cervicogenic (neck) tension related head aches

  • Migraine management, post symptoms and prevention.