Osteopathic Services
Angela is medically trained as a hands-on Osteopath.
Osteopathy is a form of manual medicine that positively influences health by treating and balancing the structural framework of the body.
After taking a thorough medical history and examination, Angela will explain her diagnosis of your complaint and gain consent before treatment begins.
Treatment often involves a combination of techniques including; joint articulation, manipulation, soft tissue massage, myofascial release, dry needling, cupping, stretching, exercises prescription, taping and ergonomic advice.
What do Osteopaths treat?
Musculoskeletal (MSK) pain
Back and Neck pain, Disc injury, Facet (spinal) joint injury, Arthritic changes degeneration, Whiplash injury, Nerve impingement.
Muscle tears/strains, tightness, and weakness.
Postural strain related to prolonged standing or sitting.
TMJ (jaw) dysfunction due to clenching, grinding and stress.
Rib joint injury (back ribs) & Costochondritis (front ribs).
Tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis)
Golfer’s elbow (medical epicondylitis)
Runner’s knee (ITB syndrome)
Shoulder rotator cuff injury
Shoulder and Hip (greater trochanter) Bursitis
Glute tendon
Achilles tendon
Plantar fasciitis
Sports injuries
Ankle ligament (inversion) sprains/ tears, Acute muscle tears, Knee, Hip/ Groin, Shoulder, elbow, and wrist injuries.Peripheral joint pre- and post-surgery programs
Pregnancy and post-natal
Pelvic instability (PSD pubic symphysis), Pelvic pain (SIJ), Rib pain, Postural pain associated with pregnancy, post-partum check-ups.
Headaches & Migraines
Cervicogenic (neck) tension related head aches
Migraine management, post symptoms and prevention.